Schedule your appointment online or by calling us at (706) 530-0360. Try to book your appointment at least 24 hours in advance to allow for proper planning and preparation.
Get your mind and body ready. A little preparation goes a long way on the day of your float — here are a few pointers to help you get the most from your float:
- Avoid consuming caffeine – you want to in a peaceful, calm, and relaxed state of mind
- Eat a light meal a few hours before floating – you don’t want to be overly full with food in your stomach, nor do you want to have hunger causing a distraction. A light meal a few hours ahead of time will put you in the sweet spot!
- Avoid shaving before your appointment – freshly shaven skin can become irritated by the epsom salt for some people. It is best to avoid shaving the day of your appointment.
- Give yourself plenty of time before and after your appointment – you can resume your daily activities directly after your float, but we recommend you take some time to relax and enjoy the feeling for a while before diving back into the daily grind
- It’s time to start floating — the best part! Here is how your appointment will go:
- Show up 10 minutes before your float appointment to check-in.
- You will be taken to your room and given instructions for your float.
- Take a quick pre-float shower and then step into the float room.
- Music will play for the first 5 minutes.
- The music will slowly fade away leaving you with 55 minutes of uninterrupted bliss.
- With 5 minutes remaining in your session the music will fade back in and ease you out of your float.
- Take a quick post-float shower to wash all the Epsom salt off your body.
- Get dressed and ready to head back into the real world feeling rejuvenated and at your best.
- Enjoy your post-float afterglow for days to come!
- After floating, enjoy one of our refreshments and relax for a while before you go.
What to Bring
We provide mostly everything you need for your float. Some things suggested to bring that we do not provide are:
- Brush
- Contact Case and Solution
- Loose Change of Clothes
We do not recommend wearing swim wear inside the float rooms. The salt solution could damage clothing and it will cause distraction during your experience.